Category: Construction And Maintenance

High Blood Pressure, It Could Be All In The Eyes?

High Blood Pressure, it could be all in the eyes? by stephenmorganIn this article we’re going to take a look at one of the slightly unexpected ways that you can be diagnosed with High Blood Pressure, what it can do to you if you ignore it and one of the things that you can do about it?Well why don’t we kick off with the cheerful bit first? Basically if left untreated and ignored it will kill you? How about that for starters?OK Steve”, I hear you cry, hit me with the cheerful stuff and don’t hold anything back!”High blood Pressure is difficult to spot in the traditional sense of things and the warning signs are very difficult if nigh on impossible for the lay person to identify.You can be diagnosed in number of ways and you would be surprised how and when you can pick up a diagnosis of High Blood Pressure.This is not meant to act as an attempt to instil wholesale panic amongst folks. Take yesterday afternoon for example. I had a routine examination at my opticians for a repeat prescription and to check out my eyes for reading glasses. It was the usual drill for someone in their forties. Basically as a friend of mine had cheerfully pointed out a few years back it wasn’t a case of my eyes being faulty it was more of a case of my arms not being long enough when I wanted to be able to read a book comfortably!So, back to the Opticians. There I was resting my chin on the support for this new fangled piece of technology that they now use to check out your eyes and going through the initial process when the Optician turned to me and said OK now I am gong to shoot a few jets of some gasses into your eyes”.OK” I thought, here goes, this should be interesting.”Anyway a few puffs of gas later a very painless experience I must add and the Optician turned to me and said Did you know you have slightly raised Blood Pressure? How long have you been suffering from it and when was the last time you saw your Doctor?”Ah, should have told you about that before” I said, Yes I do suffer from High Blood Pressure and this is the medication I am on.” I proceeded to go through my prescription and she, very professionally took down copious notes. Does this sort of thing happen often?” You would be surprised by how often it does” came the reply. When we do our first check on anew patient (or one that hasn’t been to us for some time), the first thing we do is check the blood pressure in the eyes. Left untreated it can eventually lead to blindness. Quite often people don’t realise that a visit to their optician can be the first line in the defence against High Blood Pressure as a condition”Now I see” I thought (pardon the pun) two reasons to go and have your eyes checked regularly. Even if you think you have 20/20 vision (and especially if you work with Computer screens and Monitors on a daily basis). An eye examination can pick up treatable conditions and deal with them as well as providing an opportunity to spot subtle changes that can be the forerunners of much more dangerous conditions such as High Blood Pressure.Stephen Morgan is Senior Editor forLiving with High Blood Pressure and also its sister site Living with Stress. Further information on the above article can be found at Source:


Important Services Offered By Electrical Contractors

Important Services Offered by Electrical Contractors


Armando Witt

An electrical contractor can offer a variety of services to your business. An electrical contractor is a person or firm that performs specialized construction work associated with the design, installation, and maintenance of electrical systems. Electrical contractors ensure that everything from high-voltage power transmission to low-voltage lighting systems work in a safe, effective, and environmentally-sound manner. This article will highlight various services of an electric contractor, including high voltage installation and testing, horizontal directional drilling and trenching, cable laying, jointing, and testing, and fault finding services.

High Voltage Installation & Testing

High voltage cable testing will maximize the dependability of motors, generators, and transformers. Routinely testing your cables is important because testing will determine if there are any existing issues. Potential problems can cause damage over time and may eventually cause your cables to fail. These problems may result from defects in installation or a mis-wire. Although low voltage testing can determine if there is a dead short in the wires, high voltage cable testing is necessary when wires are not physically touching. By ensuring proper high voltage installation, an electrical contractor will minimize the risk of potential high voltage problems.


Horizontal Directional Drilling & Trenching

Horizontal directional drilling is also referred to as directional boring. Horizontal directional drilling, or HDD, is a steerable trenchless method of installing underground pipes, cables, and conduits in a small arc following a given bore path. This is done by using a surface launched drilling rig, which leaves minimal impact on the adjacent areas. There are several benefits of HDD, including low cost and low impact on the environment. An electrical contractor can cater to your drilling needs and utilize horizontal directional drilling when necessary.

Cable Laying, Jointing, & Testing

Cable laying services install fiber optic cable or copper cable in different structures or over large distances. Cable laying can involve low voltage, medium voltage, and/or high voltage lines. It is essential that all high voltage and medium voltage cable installations are performed under the required standards and according to each individual manufacturer\’s recommendations. Horizontal directional drilling equipment is often used for underground cable laying services. An experienced electrical contractor will ensure proper cable laying procedures and perform the appropriate tests to determine any potential problems.

Fault Finding Services

An electrical fault is any abnormal flow of electric current. For example, a fault in which current flow exceeds the normal load is called a short circuit. There are several different types of electrical faults including transient, persistent, symmetric, and asymmetric faults. Electrical contractors provide sheath fault locating and high voltage cable fault finding by utilizing fault finding equipment such as thumper and burndown units. A thumper test set provides a high-energy, high-voltage pulse to the cable.

An electrical contractor can provide proper electrical installation and perform tests to determine any potential problems. Through services such as high voltage installation and testing, horizontal directional drilling and trenching, cable laying, jointing, and testing, and fault finding services, electrical contractors maximize the effectiveness and safety of your electrical equipment.

Electrical connections if not done by certified professionals can lead to short circuiting which can cause some very serious damage to life as well as property. Hence it is essential to contact an established electrical maintenance company supplying

communication installation

services and preferably at reasonable prices. Click


to know more.

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