Category: Cosmetic And Reconstructive Surgery

Penis Health Secrets Revealed Exercise For Better Sex

Penis Health Secrets Revealed Exercise for Better Sex


John Dugan

The benefits of exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are clear, and most people are aware, at least in theory, that physical activity is an important factor in overall health. Furthermore, it is easy to see why keeping the heart pumping and the waistline to reasonable proportions can help when it comes to stamina and function in the bedroom. However, most men will be surprised to learn that targeted exercises can have a direct effect on penis health and sexual prowess, helping to amp up their experience between the sheets.

Men who have been cleared for physical activity by their doctor can try these exercises for noticeable benefits in the bedroom:

Crunches The tried-and-true crunch is one of the best exercises for targeting the abdominal muscles, which are important when it comes to the thrusting action that men rely on to get the job done. While not all men are cut out for a full six-pack, adding crunches and sit-ups to the daily routine can help to improve power and stamina in bed.

Pushups In addition to powerful abs, a strong upper body can lead to obvious benefits in the bedroom. Men who can hold up their own bodies can experiment with a variety of angles and motions without the fatigue that may occur for those with less-developed musculature.


Dead lifts Dead lifts are ideal for developing strong back muscles, which can also lead to increased strength and stamina when it comes to bedroom acrobatics. Dead lifts should be approached with caution, however, as it is easy to do them wrong. Using a dumbbell or barbell in the gym can be effective, but men who are not experienced should seek advice from a physical trainer before attempting this alone.

Pulling and pushing exercises As with pushups, exercises such as rowing, a lateral machine, or pull-ups can help to develop the shoulders and chest, increasing men s staying power and ability to hold himself or a partner in an advantageous position.

Cardio – While strength is important, exercises which target heart health can t be overlooked when it comes to bedroom performance. A strong heart and optimum circulation are not only needed for erectile function; adequate blood flow is essential in maintaining the health of the penis, as it is needed to nourish the nerves, skin and erectile tissue. A strong heart also means that a man can keep going much longer than one who prefers to exercise the remote from the comfort of the couch.

Men who are new to physical exercise are urged to see a doctor for a full physical evaluation before starting on any fitness regimen. While most people can benefit from some amount of exercise, knowing one s limitations can help to prevent injury or worse during physical exertion.

Keeping the package primed and ready for action

While exercise can improve on performance in the bedroom, all of a man s hard work may come to nothing if the skin of the penis is dry, irritated or sore. Keeping the skin of the penis well-moisturized and in top condition can help to ensure that a guy is ready for sex any time the opportunity arises.

Eating right is important in this respect, as the penis relies on specific nutrients to stay healthy and responsive. High-quality moisturizers also play a role in maintaining smooth and supple penis skin. After a daily shower, applying a high-quality penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) enriched with nutrients that target penis tissue, such as vitamin A for healthy skin, vitamin C for circulatory health, and vitamin E for supple connective tissue, may help to improve the overall tone and texture of the penile skin.

For additional information on most common

penis health issues

, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit:

. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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Penis Health Secrets Revealed Exercise for Better Sex

Breast Tightening Or Breast Firm And Safe Home Remedies To Reshape Loose Breasts

Breast Tightening or Breast Firm and Safe Home Remedies to Reshape Loose Breasts


Dr. Lee Mikal

A targeted breast tightening lets a “sad” bust seem young and solid again. With an increasing ageing process, approx. as of the 30th year of life, the skin loses elasticity.

Adipose and gland tissue degenerate gradually. Beside the natural inherited dispositions hormone rearrangements, exaggerated reducing diets and lactation period (pregnancy) play a decisive role.


Breast Firmness

– Instant Firmness within 5 Minutes and Solution for

Loose and Saggy Breast

. Effect of

Breast Enhancement & Firmness

You breast is losing the firmness it once had or your breast is loose down due to some reason. What can you do? Are there any ways to tighten breasts?


Yes, there are certain movements are there which can help you to tighten breasts. Your breasts are made of some fatty tissues and milk glands. They do not have muscles.

There are some muscles beneath the breasts only. Chest exercises can make this strength firm. It will help your breasts look occupied and firm. Exercise will tone up the muscle under breasts and will create a backup chest line, which will help the breasts look firmer.

To tighten breasts and the skin just about it, you may use a cream that you could make it home. Mix 1 tablespoon of yogurt, one egg, and a teaspoon of vitamin E oil.

Massage this mixture onto your breasts and where an old bra on top. Keep this on for at least 20 minutes. You can then wash the combination off with some warm water. Do this a few times a week.

Breast Tightening Exercises

Exercise is probably the best way to sort out nearly everyone bodily and health related problems.

Whether you are obese and want to lose weight, or you are harmful and unfit with less stamina and a weak immune system, exercise makes people stronger and more resistant towards diseases.

Besides, with regular exercise, your body gets a good shape, your muscles get toned, and you start to look very good. All this apply even in the case of women have sagging breasts.

Every form of exercise helps in toning the muscles of our body. But it depends on what kind of muscles we really want to work on. So, when an important person wants to work on the muscles of his/her legs, he/she is advise to follow exercises such as cycling, running, jogging etc.

Home Remedies for Breast Tightening

1. Saw palmetto is one of the most efficient herbs for breast enlargement. It is believed that this natural herb is a hormonal regulator and helps in growing breast size, stimulating sexual desire, treating urinary tract infections and adaptable weight.

2. Dong Quai is another excellent herb which is principally used for treating myriad of female health conditions related to hormonal imbalance and reduced production of estrogen.

3. Blessed Thistle is also believed to be used as an effective remedy for increasing breast size. This herb is a traditional restorative herb that mostly supports the performance of female reproductive organs.

4. Wild Yam is also a useful herb for various female health conditions including breast enlargement. This natural herb contains dysgenic which is a creator of progesterone and a popular treatment for PMS.

5. Fenugreek is a traditional cure for rising milk supply from breast. This is also used effectively in treating diabetes, overcrowding, high blood pressure, flatulence and breast enhancement.


Breast Firmness

– Instant Firmness within 5 Minutes and Solution for

Loose and Saggy Breast

. Effect of

Breast Enhancement & Firmness

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