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Do dogs have bad moods? Dogs, according to the stereotype, have jolly, exuberant and happy-go-lucky kinda personalities. They have a way of putting even the most stressed people in a good mood.
But to the surprise, even these fun-loving creatures can succumb to melancholy. Yes, even dogs can feel meh and drop their mood.
On some days, you may notice that your furry friend is no longer excited about his walks, is skipping meals or, is just lying around with a pouted face. If you notice him behaving like a sulky, sullen teenager, there could be something he’s goin g through.
Now you might want to ask him what’s wrong, but since they can’t communicate, it is your responsiblity to figure it out. But how?
Here are the signs to watch out for your dog’s bad mood:
Meeting your dog’s basic needs
Dogs need plenty of sleep, exercise and nutritional food to stay in the pink of their health. If any one of these basic needs are being compromised, their attitude may change and they may act grumpy. Hence, ensure to exercise your dog well enough according to its breed and find out the best dog food for them with the help of your vet.
Not feeling well
Dogs can’t complain that they are sick. Instead, they may just show they are not in the mood. Therefore, it comes down to decoding the changes in their behavior by looking for the symptoms that may indicate what’s wrong. If your dog is refusing to walk and appears too lazy to move, he may be suffering from joint issues. If he’s refusing to take up meals, he may be suffering from stomach upsets. Being a pet parent, you should understand the basic symptoms if your dog is physically unwell. And since the emotional well-being is inextricably connected to physical well-being, they may be in a bad mood due to some illness.
Entering a new environment
Just like us humans, dogs too can become homesick while on a trip or when you shift into a new house. They can also face separation anxiety when separated from the owner he’s attached to. Under such circumstances, they may start grieving and feeling gloomy. Furthermore, fireworks, loud noises, too much crowding or the addition of a new member in the family can also make them nervous and anxious. In such situations, anxiety relievers can help them to cope better.
Gender related mood swings
Dogs may face hormonal imbalances during their adolescence or puberty. Puberty in dogs occurs between 7 months and 2 years of age, and can bring ups and downs in their mood due to the changes that they undergo. Females may behave sulky while going through their heat. Similarly, males may behave so while a female may be around as they may want to copulate.
Just like that!
Is it possible for us to stay happy all the time? If we are sure they are not facing any of the issues mentioned above, they may not be sick. Just give them some time and space and they’ll be all okay. Dogs can feel a complex range of emotions and sometimes just act moody without any reason. And it’s no biggie to put up with their occasional crankiness when they are the ones who keep our spirits up all the time, right?
If such an issue persists for a longer period, see your vet. And if the blues are just like that, try to comfort them during this phase. These are few things that may help you shift their mood:
- Spending more time together
- Taking them for a brisk walk
- Giving them their favorite treat/toy
- Meeting with another furry friend
- Going for a ride in a car
- And, lots of cuddles and attention would work too!