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Our children deserve better than death by innoculation
Children deserve better than brain damage and death by inoculation
It seems high time to stop blaming the school for every child who does not keep up with his peers because of difficulty learning. There have always been differences between children, but the frequency of children with learning problems is increasing, and the schools have not been able to meet the need for specialized individual education plans. It is likely that every teacher, parent and school administrator in San Francisco would be grateful to anyone who makes an effort to manage the challenges presented by these children.
Research clearly indicates that a learning disability is a deficiency in neural development that impedes learning. Children cannot learn if the brain and central nervous system do not have the neural connections necessary for learning. Learning is hampered when environmental trauma like poor nutrition, toxins, poor parenting, lack of exercise, obesity and lack of sleep interfere with the development and function of the learning mechanisms of the brain. And that does not include the mercury (Thimerosal) in the mandatory inoculations that are required before the child can enter school.
Mercury is the most toxic substance known to man. Research has established that the mercury used to stabilize vaccines causes brain damage that manifests as autism and learning disabilities in school children. And, now, matters are made worse because of a mandatory vaccine for cervical cancer which is forced on young girls. The researcher who formulated the vaccine has openly stated in the press that the vaccine does not work. Gardasil, manufactured by Merck, is recognized by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to trigger severe reactions, namely hospitalization, permanent disability, life-threatening illness or death. It has been verified that one girl in the UK died within hours of receiving a vaccination, and the autopsy confirmed that the death was directly related to the vaccine. On the other hand, multiple numbers of children have become seriously ill after the H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine. And only in America, when a parent objects to giving their children these death sentences, they are hauled into court for not being a good parent and forced to burn out their childs brain with these poisons. Our parents and their children deserve better.
While printed media in the US does not give much attention to these circumstances, anyone with a computer gets a daily dose of these facts. Parents are the only people who can protect their children, and they need support. Wouldnt it be great if the parents in the US who dont want their child to receive these dangerous vaccines were supported by the teachers who toil with the consequences in the classroom? The NEA has not yet commented upon educators concerns regarding the increasing incidence of brain damage resulting in autism and learning disabilities. Is there a role for educators to play in protecting the children with whom they work?
Tags: Parents, children, brain damage, inoculations, mercury poisoning, learning disabilities, autism, special education, Cardicil, Cervarix
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Our children deserve better than death by innoculation